1948 Farmall Cub idling On YouTube.
My 1948 Farmall Cub, Black Cat, is a sick kitty! This video was shot 5/9/09 at the Color Country Antique Machinery Association's pull in Washington, Utah, in conjunction with the city's Cotton Days. Black Cat just got back together (and running poorly) the night before, and climbed up on the trailer at 10:23pm. We came to the conclusion that the governor is off by one tooth. Close-up shot of the magneto shows that it is all the way retarded (can't even put in the set bolt). It also doesn't fire with the 6v starter, but if we jump it with a 12v battery, it'll spin fast enough to catch. I hope this is linked to the mag issue, and when we get it timed right, it'll fire right up.
Tags: farmall, cub, antique, tractor, washington, utah, magneto, ignition, restoration